Saturday, June 9, 2012

Cherishing success, reflecting upon misadventure

Salam to all.

I hope it’s not too late for me to congratulate our brothers and sisters from the class of MBBS 2010 for their excellent performance in the first professional examinations. I had the chance to attend the examination feedback session and the announcement of the results last Friday (08.06.12). 

22 students had achieved distinction in the examinations. The examiners had left tones of positive and encouraging comments about how the students were performing during the OSCE examinations. Dr. Hazian mentioned on how many students demonstrated better communication skills than today’s clinician did. They also managed to record a very high pass rate for SBAQ examination—over 95%.

Hence, I would like to take this opportunity to share a few advices to the near-future Year 3 medical students. To the 22 students who have been the pride of the university, please do not forget to be thankful to Allah for He had given you all that you needed—dedicated lecturers, clear understanding of what you have learn, supportive family members and friends, etc.—to accomplish such a success.  

To the others who have passed the examination, be thankful to Allah for still giving you more rooms to expand and improve yourself. To those who have unfortunately failed the examination, please do not despair; but be thankful to Allah for giving you an unquestionably genuine reason to beseech Him. Work hard for your re-sit examinations and let us know if we can be of assistance.

wAllahu ‘alam (and Allah knows best)

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