Saturday, November 1, 2008

Shashu cakap...

"...doing things right doesn't necessarily mean doing the right thing."

I just got to know Shahiran's sister this evening in a wonderful discussion about how we can improve ourselves and help others too. And somewhere in the conversation she said the above "philosophy" to me and it really made me ponder about some decisions I had made in my life.

Naturally, I choose to do things right and I just realize that there were a few cases where it was a horrible, horrible thing to do. One mermaid that I know might be able to name one occasion in my life where the above statement is irrefutably true. *wink

wAllahu 'alam


Anonymous said...

hahaha nak i name it ke? =p

but theres undeniably LOTS of things u learned from that experience kn. it has shaped the matured,old,and wise person u r today! haha!
(best x ayat i?)

skema clown adalah kamu! =p

* baik x i ckp u wise person. i nearly tulis wise jambu * =p

Anonymous said...

anything that makes u feel calm and nearer to God is the right thing to do.. remember, experience is the hardest teacher but u'll learn a lot from it..