Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"Never Give Up": What a ridiculous expression

Salam to all,

I was asked to write an essay titled the above expression in the mid-sem English test. The question asked whether I agree with the expression or don't and to provide an example to support my standpoint. Here's what I wrote:

""Never, never give up!" Do I agree with the expression? Of course I do. Everyone else should. This is the truth of life; to not give up.

I would like to talk about this expression in a slightly different perspective. Dr. Sharifah (my English teacher), I apologize that I may not really answer your question. But I seriously think that we should stop trying to draw examples from expressions and start to think about the reality behind them. It makes us stronger, adds more meaning to ourselves.

First, let's ask ourselves what the above expression really means. Many people would agree that it tells us to never stop working until we achiveve our goal. I personally think that that is a fine definition for the expression. Let's think deeper. What is actually our goal? This question might produce an extremely wide variety of answers. But, I believe the ultimate answer to it is "LIFE"--the one single chance granted by God to us to live as human beings. The next question that might come into mind is what should we do to achieve life? I'd say we have to work on filling in every single moment of life with meaningful things to achieve it.

Trying to answer the previous question makes me realize that there's nothing for us to give up in. We have no reason to do so. We can't find any condition that would allow us to do so. So, it's simply stupid, irresponsible, and pointless to give up in life. We are actually trying to go against the truth of life when we think about giving up in it.

Being in this life is like being in a room with millions of doors around you. The doors are locked by the way and the keys to them are in your hear: your desire. One good thing about these doors is that they fit everyone. Behind them are your goals. Our goals. It is only a matter of our hearts.

I hope one day we don't have to tell people to not give up as people have understood about the truth of life. And from that day on, this expression will seem a ridiculous one to say because everyone is already holding his or her key ready to unlock the doors. " (03.03.09)

wAllahu 'alam


Anonymous said...

“But there is suffering in life, and there are defeats. No one can avoid them. But it's better to lose some of the battles in the struggles for your dreams than to be defeated without ever knowing what you're fighting for.”

-Paolo Coelho-

Life is predestined, yet it's presented to us as unpredictable..hence signifying the Power of the Creator & the dependence of His creations..
and it's all written by one hand that give us this LIFE

Anonymous said...

its very unlikely for anyone to have answered an essay question(what more during the semester exam) from the 'genre' that u hv chosen i.e "a live form of arguement".nevertheless, being bold, a rare quality, is not wrong for you know the best of its outcome.
not to put too fine a point on it,yes life is how we perceive it would be. again, what matter most is the will power.or so i thot..-secondanonymosity

thirdanonymosity said...

one of a kind, brilliant, daring and bold.. different perspectives of thinking process especially during the max burst of adrenalin..
keep up your astounding rare qualities..

NAB said...

one of a kind, daring, bold, astounding rare qualities...wah2..that's a lot of a accolades for just one person n more specifically, r you sure u got the right person?? hahaha...jk

neway, agak daring to write that..i don't think i have the guts to write like that yet..maybe one day

Anonymous said...

nab's right & he needs to do a lot of istighfar.

Anonymous said...

makaih..kelangit puji.. tingginye.. istighfar.. istighfar..