Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Who's the true Muslimah? II

I assume you have watched the video I posted earlier. So, who's actually the true Muslimah? I already revealed my vote which goes to the two with Hijab; but not because of their hijab. They have my vote because what they said. And I believe it's what they believe in.

I see there's one vote went to Sonia. I didn't vote for Sonia for one reason, and for that very reason Sonia cannot be a true Muslimah. You can never be a true Muslimah or Muslim, when you arrogantly think that any of the teachings of the Quran can or has become obsolete. Sonia did exactly this when she said, "... we need to be able to move from one culture to the other without looking something out of a different era." She thinks women in Hijab are weird! Please tell me, who would we expect to champion Hijab but not the Muslims?

The worse thing is that when she tried to interpret the verse on Hijab to justify her not putting on one. The verse clearly states that Muslimah needs to "extend their scarf to cover their bossom". And where else would you put on your scarf if not on your head. How can the verse not be particular?

People easily forget about the truth of themselves; where they've come from, why they live, where they will end, etc.. Being a Muslim or Muslimah is about realizing the truth of self, all the time. How do you learn about the truth? From Allah who has created you, no other else. And the Quran is the words of Allah.

wAllahu 'alam

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