Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dia Tuduh DSAI Liwat Lagi!

Another sodomy allegation on DSAI. Unbelievable. The latest news is the release of a photo of the accuser, Saiful Bukhari Azlan, with one of Najib's Senior Officers, Khairil Anas Yusof, by Datin Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail. DSAI will probably have to be taken under police custody for investigation. I just pray for strength for DSAI to survive our police "investigation procedure" this time around, if detained. This detention could mean a life threat for DSAI.

DSAI said in his media statement: "The report has been organized by interested parties to attack me in retaliation for evidence I have recently obtained implicating IGP Musa Hassan and the AG Gani Patail in misconduct including fabrication of evidence in the cases launched against me in 1998-1999. This vile attack will not prevent me from releasing this dossier to the public."

He also said that he has, since this year General Election, received "numerous credible sources from within the government and military intelligence" which have indicated that "certain agents from within Barisan Nasional leadership have initiated plots to cause harm to me or my family or my supporters." Fearing of his safety, PKR decided to seek refuge from several embassies, and Turkey Embassy was the first to accept DSAI under their protection. DSAI has been with them since 6.00 am this morning.

Hishamuddin Hussein in response to the above statement claimed that DSAI seeking refuge from outsiders is an attempt to divert people's attention from his "liwat" case. He further said: "Anwar (pada masa itu) pernah membuat dakwaan kononnya beliau cuba dibunuh dengan racun arsenik, memerlukan pembedahan tulang belakang dan menghadapi masalah tengkuk."

Khairy Jamaluddin when asked for comments on this latest news hit said: "Anwar is a highly creative politician in acquiring people's sympathy." He further suggests that: "‘‘Saya sendiri tidak menolak kemungkinan Anwar sendiri yang menyuruh pembantunya itu membuat laporan polis dan ini adalah satu taktik konspirasi beliau untuk meraih simpati orang ramai."

What do you reckon from the comments of these two young politicians of our country? Do you guys really think that DSAI needs to plot this whole setup to acquire our support? The whole world have seen how greatly people endorse him as a leader for Malaysia. UMNO and BN are in the most shacking state in their history and we would only need to sit by and watch the downfall of the party. The recent allegation by Raja Petra Kamaruddin on Najib's wife being involved in Altantuya's murder case is sufficient enough to turn the whole nation towards Pakatan Rakyat. Come on la Mr. Hisham and Mr. KJ. Please come up with something brilliant.

Rais Yatim just had an official meeting with Turkey ambassador, Barlaz Ozener, this evening at Wisma Putra. And we will expect a media statement from Rais Yatim tonight in the news regarding Turkey's involvement in this matter.

1 comment:

ihsan_huhu said...

ppl somehow get tired with the govt tactics, esp DSAI n sodomy. they shud come out with other kind of sex offences, such as raping multiple goats n chickens at the same time.

or just fuck off

ps: at least soi lek was using the proper channel