Friday, June 27, 2008

The Government Wants to Help Us

I was laughing all the way to the end while I was reading this news in NST. The government wants to lessen our burden now that the fuel and food price has hiked. Now you tell me how many times the price hike has occurred in the last decade? And throughout the decade, have you ever felt that your burden has eased with any of the government projects? Believe you me that our nation is a rich one.

But health and education are hardly free when these two are undeniably our rights. Now, they sound a lit bit more serious about helping us facing this price hike which is more aggrassive that any of the previous ones. I personally am willing to give them a few years to realize what has been said in the Mid-term Review of RMK 9 yesterday.

WAllahi, I will take his (Pak Lah) word this time and insha Allah I will never forget it.

...the government was committed to easing the burden on the people. People-centric projects provide basic amenities and directly benefit the people, such as water supply, electricity, health facilities, education, low-cost housing, poverty eradication and public safety.

Help will be extended in the form of aid to children, the aged, those with special needs, patients with chronic diseases and those with artificial limbs.

Dear my fellow Malaysians, please remember these words as we will redeem them in the next general election.

wAllahu 'alam

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