Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sadaqatul Jaariyah - the Actions That Will Outlive You

My mum sent me an email titled "Memanjangkan Sedekah Jariyah". The email contains an article suggesting a few deeds we can do to continuously stockpile our pahala.

1) Give someone a copy of Koran.
2) Donate a wheel chair to a hospital.
3) Share articles that convey values like god-consciousness, virtue, righteousness, and honor.
4) Help in one's education.
5) Teach someone a do'a .
6) Participate in building a mosque.
7) Buy a water dispenser and place it in a public place.

The above list does not contain all suggestions from the email. I picked the ones that I personally feel relevant to our locus.

Selamat beramal!


Anonymous said...

jom kita CUCMSians ramai2 merancang dan berazam untuk bukan sahaja donate wheel chair kat hospital.. tapi kita BUKA HOSPITAL!..

harith_fakhrudin said...

insha Allah kita berazam. jom belajar rajin2. jgn lupa tawakkal.
(Ali-Imran: 159)

Anonymous said...

tp utk tujuan tarbiyah diri kt di peringkat awal ni, mungkin boleh mula dengan derma kerusi roda byk2 kt hospital. rasanya itu tujuan penulis listkan psl menderma kerusi roda.

Anonymous said...

iye2..setuju..buka hospital itu azam dan cita-cita jangka panjang..

BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND- stephen covey (7 habits of highly effective people)